PARAMETERS FOR REACTIONS ON WET AEROSOLS (e.g., N2O5): 0.1!E10.3 astkcf -- sticking coefficient for rxns on aerosol 0.1!E10.3 xgdfcf -- gas phase diff. coef. (cm2/s) *NOT READ* 0.1E-4!E10.3 xarsrds-- radius of (dry) aerosol (cm) PARAMETERS FOR CONVERTING SULFATE M.R. DATA TO ARSL SFC AREA (cm2 arsl/cc air): 115!I10 mwarsl -- molecular weight of aerosol (g/mol) [98,115] 1.4E-0!E10.3 ruarsl -- denisity of aerosol (g/cc) +0.39!F10.2 RH100 -- deliquescence point (%) (0.39 for NH4HSO4) 85!I10 iarsfa -- UNIT number for the file of sulfate M.R. data